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REI: Holiday — Argentina

Creative Direction: Mike Henderson
Art Direction: Quinn Ianniciello
Copywriting: Torin Daniels
Photography: Ali Vagnini
Styling: Deb Tudor
Cinematography: Jonathan Houser
Editing: Katie Van-Fleet

Catalog: Holiday 2016

All I Need. The idea? Less stuff, more experiences. In a season of traditonal heavy gift-giving and sales, we concepted a multi-channel campaign that encouraged customers to explore the things that unlock experiences and the storied objects in our lives. The gifts we were given in our past that spurred exploration. To consider how we can provide that thing for someone else this holiday. The thing that will help them start their own journey because we all can’t forget: the stuff we remember isn't stuff. Shot on location in Bairloche, Argentina. 

⚐ concept     ⚐ design     ⚐ art direction     ⚐ film

©2024 Quinn Ianniciello — A Creative Director in Seattle, WA.  (Hey!✌🏼)